By adamg - 5/10/18 - 10:17 pm

Church bells across Boston rang 83 times at noon today to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the death of Paul Revere (at age 83) in 1818.

Michael Kerpan attended the ceremonies for Revere this morning at the Granary Burying Ground on Tremont Street. Kim was there as well: Read more.

By adamg - 9/29/17 - 12:44 pm

Associated Press wins today's headline award for a story about an archaeological dig in the North End that may have uncovered Paul Revere's outhouse.

By adamg - 4/18/14 - 7:42 pm

Starting at 8, the Paul Revere House will be "livetweeting" Paul Revere's ride.

Alas, poor Dawes, never gets as much credit.

Welcome to Dot suggests:

RT if by land, Favorite if by sea.

Via Beta Boston.

Paul Revere leaves on his ride
By adamg - 4/15/13 - 1:44 pm

Paul Revere hoofed it out of the North End this morning to warn the colonists the Redcoats were coming.

By adamg - 12/12/12 - 11:03 am

Deadline Hollywood reports AMC is working on a series called "We Hate Paul Revere:"

Dallin and a model of his iconic Paul Revere statue
By adamg - 9/17/11 - 2:35 pm

It'd be hard to imagine the space between Hanover Street and Old North Church without Paul Revere warning the colonists the Redcoats were coming, right?

And yet, it almost wasn't there at all.

By adamg - 6/12/11 - 12:51 pm

Bottom line, J.L. Bell writes: She doesn't know what she's talking about.

By adamg - 6/6/11 - 7:02 am

Seems they're now fighting a war with Wikipedia over the encyclopedia's article on Paul Revere (scroll down this attempted revision).

The Wikipedians are getting a bit fed up.

J.L. Bell, who knows something about revolutionary Boston, chimes in with a deconstruction of Palin's remarks at Old North Church:

It sounds like Palin got an accurate description of Revere, the Lexington alarm, and his adolescent bell-ringing at Old North Church during her travels, but that history got garbled in her attempt to spin it into modern right-wing talking points ("Put the government on warning!" "We need our arms!"). The result was her typical stew of folksy phrases without logical or grammatical connections.

Digital Journal link via the Outraged Liberal. See the full Revere Facepalm on Boing Boing.

By adamg - 9/26/09 - 10:18 am

J.L. Bell highlights Revere's sarcastic stylings.

By adamg - 3/7/09 - 10:03 am

J.L. Bell lays out the evidence that Revere's famous engraving of the Boston Massacre was actually based on the work of another artist.

By adamg - 7/9/07 - 4:35 pm

You may have seen the stories (Globe, WBZ) about the deployment to Iraq o