Jamaica Plain News reports on the formal opening of a 202-unit apartment building, owned by Pine Street Inn and managed by the Community Builders, at 3368 Washington St. that features 140 "supportive housing" units for people moving out of homelessness - with 24/7 on-site support staff - and 62 affordable family units.
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Boston Police report a man was found stabbed at 6 Hartford St., in Dorchester around 12:05 p.m. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Read more.
The Dorchester Reporter reports the BPDA board today unanimously approved a plan to turn the Comfort Inn at 900 Morrissey Boulevard into 99 apartments. Under the proposal by Pine Street Inn and The Community Builders, the building would have full-time staff to help residents adjust to their new lives. Read more.
Pine Street Inn and the Community Builders have filed plans with the BPDA to convert the Comfort Inn at 900 Morrissey Blvd. into a 104-unit apartment building with ground-floor retail space. Read more.
The Boston Sun reports members of the the East Berkeley Neighborhood Association were less than thrilled at a proposal by the Pine Street Inn to replace the static billboards atop its South End building with electronic signboards, even though some of the time on them would be devoted to PSAs and the extra revenue would help the non-profit with its programs. Some asked if they could be turned off at night so they wouldn't be beamed into nearby residences.
Beacon Communities and the Pine Street Inn are teaming up on a plan to convert the YW Boston building at 140 Clarendon St. into 240 affordable apartments aimed at people trying to get out of homelessness or who cannot afford Boston's high rents. Read more.
Boston's only round hotel to become Pine Street Inn housing next week; some South Enders have issues
The Boston Sun reports on the controversy over the Pine Street Inn leasing the Roundhouse Hotel near the intersection of Melnea Cass Boulevard and Massachusetts Avenue for use as a 180-person homeless shelter.
WBUR reports on the results of "universal" Covid-19 testing at the Pine Street Inn - a high rate of positive results among people who are mostly not showing any symptoms. Because the Pine Street Inn is in 02118, that explains why the South End now has the city's highest rate of infection. Read more.
Apartments for Pine Street Inn clients, low- and moderate-income residents approved in Jamaica Plain
The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved plans by the Pine Street Inn and the Community Builders to build apartments for Pine Street Inn clients and for low and moderate-income residents at 3368 Washington St. in Jamaica Plain, where Pine Street Inn now has a warehouse with some office space.
The only opposition came from the owner of a building across the street now leased to a brewery. Read more.
The Boston Courant's Mich Cardin reported two weeks ago that developer David Goldman has signed an agreement to purchase the South End rowhouse located at 38 Upton Street, currently owned by the Pine Street Inn (PSI).
According to the Courant (no online edition):
Goldman, who began negotiations with PSI around December, bid on the property, eventually matching the appraisal price of more than $1 million.
38 Upton Street is one of three adjoining buildings originally purchased by Pine Street, back in 2008. The non-profit's plans to turn the properties into transitional housing unleashed the fury of some neighbors, who expressed concern that the development was too big for their bucolic, narrow, one-way street. Pine Street eventually bowed to the pressure and the three-building project was reduced to two, with PSI agreeing to sell the third on the private market.
Some of those same neighbors are still unhappy. According to the Courant, a 2009 written agreement signed by Pine Street and the Union Park Neighborhood Association set out specific deadlines for the sale of the third building; according to it, Pine Street was supposed to immediately begin efforts to sell the property.
The Southender returns from wherever he's been hiding to dissect the yuppies who unsuccessfully opposed the Pine Street Inn's purchase of an Upton Street
The Urban Paramedic is back from basic training and blogging again.
When last we discussed Upton Street, it was to point to a South End News story about neighbors bemoaning the ruination of their tiny street by a Pine Street Inn proposal to convert three houses that h