City Councilor Ed Flynn (South Boston, South End, Chinatown, Downtown) said yesterday the city should expand its side-street speed-hump program to the city's main thoroughfares - and lower the citywide speed limit - to reduce the number of pedestrians sent to the grave by impatient speeders.
Flynn pointed to several pedestrian deaths over the past couple of years, including a young child outside the Children's Museum last year and a pedestrian killed in Andrew Square on Sunday - as proof the city needs to do more to contain its wild-in-the-street motorists.
In calling for a formal hearing on pedestrian safety, he also pointed to L Street in South Boston - and his parents Ray and Kathy:
"My parents tell me almost every day of them walking up to the South Boston public library from their home five or six blocks and when they're in the middle of an intersection walking up L Street, a car would go right by them, just missing two elderly people," he said. "We also see that happening when young families are in the crosswalk, little kids, people are just so impatient that they have to go 30 miles an hour up L Street and take people's lives in jeopardy."
Flynn called for a hearing at which to consider steps that would include reducing the citywide speed limit to 20 m.p.h. from the current 25, expansion of the city's "safety surge" speed-hump program from side streets to main streets and bus lanes and installation of "rapid flash beacon" pedestrian-crossing lights, raised crosswalks and pedestrian islands in the wider roads.
Referring to the four-year-old killed by the driver of a pickup outside the Children's Museum, he said it's good the city put a speed hump on Sleeper Street, but that it should also install them on Congress Street - along with a raised crosswalk right at the museum.
Flynn said he's talked to the Boston Fire Department and that it would have no problems with putting speed bumps or raised crosswalks on major streets - city officials had cited BFD concerns in the past about extending the "safety surge" traffic-calming projects to thoroughfares.
Flynn cautioned he is not calling for "road diets" all across the city, such as the one on Centre Street in West Roxbury, planned to reduce driver speeds and pedestrian menace in part by reducing two travel lanes to one by adding dedicated bike lanes a center turn lane, along with restriped crosswalks and re-timed signals to slow traffic down.
"One size does not fit all" and each road would need its own specific measures, he said.
He added, though, "to be clear for the wiseguys on social media," he actually did once support a "road diet" plan, and in his district, even, on Day Boulevard. He did not specify which wiseguys on social media he was addressing. He and mayoral aide Segun Idowu recently restarted their Twitter war, but the mutual flaming was over the mayor's proposed property-tax changes, not anything to do with road safety.
Watch Flynn request a hearing on the issue:
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Speed cameras now!
By BostonDog
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:03pm
The state just allowed them for busses so there's no constitutional limitation.
The signs can say anything. If there isn't some method of automatic enforcement, it's meaningless. Cameras don't solve all problems but they are effective in other cities.
speed bumps
By 02132
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:13pm
The speed bumps are the automatic enforcement in this plan.
Speed and red light cameras are about money
By ScottB
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:18pm
Not safety.
Yeah, making money off people who speed
By BostonDog
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:30pm
Speeding tickets written by cops are also about money.
By cinnamngrl
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:50pm
People against cameras are not following the speed limit.
If the city deployed the cameras, they could set limit on revenue that would rebate back on your excise tax.
Studies say you're wrong
By Pete X
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:31pm
Hit’em where it hurts.
By Lee
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:49pm
Because when drivers hit pedestrians and cyclists, it hurts way more.
OK with me
By Michael
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 2:13pm
Call it a "sociopath tax"
Speed cameras will either be
By anon
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:27pm
Speed cameras will either be set to ticket people for minor infractions that people rarely get stopped for (even when police have a speed trap going), or you risk only ticketing drivers who are driving recklessly and should be stopped on the spot (and who might be drunk/impaired or guilty of more serious crimes).
By BostonDog
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 3:42pm
They ticket people who are exceeding the speed limit. And most are set to not issue a ticket until you've gone more than 10mph over the limit. (You don't get a ticket for going 27 in a 25 zone.)
The only people who are opposed to traffic cameras are people who speed and think it's OK when they do it.
By spin_o_rama
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 3:52pm
What kind of minor infractions are you talking about?
Nobody said there was a
By anon
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 2:29pm
Nobody said there was a constitutional limitation. Speed cameras have a legal limitation, as the legislature hasn't legalized them.
NYC has them all over the place. Yet I don't feel safe walking there, except in areas where there are a lot of pedestrians so there's safety in numbers.
There can be cameras all over the place, and the roads will still be dangerous if they're badly designed.
By spin_o_rama
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 3:50pm
Traffic enforcement is beneath BPD and its why people routinely ignore the rules of the road, including cyclists.
I'll concede to cyclists having to get license plates so they too can be ticketed by the cameras but in exchange, we must let citizens submit photos of violations like double parking, blocking bike/bus lanes that results in fines being doled out to the violators.
Also, lets increase the fines so they have some teeth and tie them to the violators income like in Finland. The fine is based on the driver's disposable income. The more a driver is over the speed limit, the more fines they receive.
Some examples:
In 2015, a businessman was fined €54,000 for driving 103 km/h in an 80 km/h zone
In 2023, a wealthy businessman was fined €121,000 for driving 50 km/h in a 30 km/h zone
Cameras Aren't the Answer
By Boston_res
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 7:46pm
Nor are speed bumps. The plain, straight truth is that the RMV gives out far too many licenses to people who simply lack the responsibility to have them. I started driving again after not having driven for over ten years. I go the speed limit and people tailgate me like I'm keeping them from evacuating prior to a mass weather event. Speed cameras and red light cameras also penalize car owners, not car operators. The only solutions I really think make sense are testing drivers more often, granting fewer licenses when drivers show a lack of skill on the road, and banning driving in heavy pedestrian areas such as most of downtown Boston.
since when has taking a license prevented driving?
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 7:25am
It comes down to enforcement. There are too many cars to police. Camera enforcement is the only way. We need to start advancing plans that pair enforcement with control of data and make specific plans for the revenue. NO PRIVATE ENFORCERS.
We've tried your method
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 8:18am
People are still being killed by entitled reckless drivers.
Thumbs up.
By Frelmont
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 10:24am
Thumbs up Boston_res / “Cameras are not the answerâ€
Traffic cameras are a bad omen, a bad sign that we’re responding to our flagging morality shown in the wanton disregard for law by putting our resources into automated, dispassionate enforcement not moral education.
Cameras are not progress. They are a hallmark of greed and the false promise of progressivism.
I don’t know if you’re familiar with ‘The Search for Spock,†but the current strain of progressivism contains a disastrous flaw like the Genesis Device in that progressivism is built upon a shortcut akin to to David’s fool hearty, impatient and immature use of “protomatter.†There’s no shortcut to building a better, more moral, and freer society. All this feel-good, progressive political mana is doing is masking most politicians’ motives and baking in a future crisis, future inequality that will set us back centuries without a guarantee we can recover our exceptional blessings.
I caution that we may become the very snarling, ugly masses shouting down morality in our purity over not having the Ten Commandments taught in schools. I believe wholeheartedly in disestablishmentarianism, but the greater portion of our fund of moral and ethical learning is rooted in religious thought. I’m not advocating for putting the Ten Commandments in schools, or in government buildings, what I am saying is Big Brother, “social credit†traffic cameras are corrosive to the minds and spirit of free people and we should be teaching civics, respecting people’s religious beliefs instead of myopically and ignorantly summing up religion as oppressive, irrational and negative.
You know that “Organize†poster? The one with the little fish being chased out of the frame by the bigger fish only to return with a bigger fish shaped school to turn the tables? Just like unions are rational leveling the playing field and giving the worker lawyers and manpower religion is rational fighting oppressive tendencies of a state out of balance, of the raucous majority and, any nascent oligarchy. Today traffic cameras and tomorrow much worse.
This is a morally dishonest response
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 3:58pm
People are dying. Traffic cameras reduce crashes. The cameras measure a moral dilemma that exists. It does not create a moral dilemma.
acting locally
By Vicki
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 3:17pm
The city of Boston can install speed bumps. It can't change the rules for who gets a driver's license.
Actually enforcing the laws against driving without a license would also help. Real enforcement, not just "suspending" a nonexistent or already-suspended license, which this person has just shown won't stop them from driving.
MA doesn’t enforce illegal gun possession
By robo
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 6:50pm
They don’t enforce anything even the most egregious crimes.
me, I'm the problem
By cinnamngrl
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:12pm
South Boston would benefit from dedicated bus lanes and more bus service.
I don't know how he expects to increase safety without restricting parking at intersections and crosswalks.
It is an improvement to at least express concern for pedestrian safety.
I agree, but...
By epeemike81
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:48pm
I'm generally in favor of dedicated bus lanes everywhere, but Southie is one of the few neighborhoods that really can't reasonably accommodate new bus lanes.
Broadway is already one lane in each direction. Where are we putting these dedicated bus lanes? We'd have to eliminate literally all parking on Broadway, and while I'm for sure good with eliminating parking in general in favor of bus lanes, in this case I think it would be too extreme.
Broad way is pretty wide.
By cinnamngrl
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:52pm
Broad way is pretty wide. There is plenty of room if it is during rush hour. just remove parking. The small business get screwed over by all the car storage on Broadway. It would be a big improvement.
Dedicated lanes might fit...
By HenryAlan 2.0
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 2:08pm
Broadway is 52 feet wide, so if you do 10 feet for each bus lane, 8.5 feet for each car lane, and 7.5 feet for each parking lane, it would work. But I agree, that's pretty tight. What would easily work, though, would be single direction, rush hour only lanes like Washington Street in Roslindale has (only 44 feet wide). There would be 8 hours a day when half the parking is taken by a bus lane, 4 hours inbound in the morning, 4 hours outbound in the afternoon. It works well in Rozzie, it could work in Southie, too.
By epeemike81
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 2:58pm
Yeah, that's a good point. could for sure do rush hour bus lanes in each direction.
I'm not sure I agree about how well it works in Rozzie (I don't remember ever driving down Washington Street without seeing at least one car parked in the bus lane in violation), but that's an enforcement issue, not an indication that it's a bad idea.
The bus cameras are going to
By cinnamngrl
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:35pm
The bus cameras are going to start recording violations and citations will be issued.
"I'll be just a minute, bro!"
By HenryAlan 2.0
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 9:11am
Yes, there are bus lane violators. However, even with them, the bus drivers are adept at moving in and out of the lane a few times on the run between the Square and Forest Hills. The rest of the time, they are able to move more quickly than the car traffic. That said, such violators may soon disappear once camera enforcement is implemented.
Speed bumps have no business
By anon
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:15pm
Speed bumps have no business being on public streets. They distract drivers from things in their peripheral vision, impede snow removal, and can be treacherous for two-wheeled vehicles. Additionally, one shouldn't risk damage to their vehicle while obeying the posted speed.
Be serious
By spin_o_rama
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 3:44pm
Put the phone down and focus on the road, maybe slowdown, you'll be fine
Great point, lets do snow removal like Montreal and make car owners move their parked cars so snow removal can be done curb to curb.
Oh please
So don't speed, won't have an issue with the speed bumps
They're not speeding. The
By anon
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:30pm
They're not speeding. The scenario they're concerned about is bumps that cause damage while obeying the speed limit.
What's especially fun is when bumps are only indicated by painted markings (no signs), and the paint wears away and the city doesn't repaint it. Stealth speed bumps are the best kind, since they punish drivers for not slowing down for something they didn't know was there.
Snow removal can't be done curb to curb when there's a flexpost buffer to the left of the bike lane.
I find smooth roads to be the most important thing while biking, for safety, comfort, and stamina. More important than posts or bike lanes or tiny bike traffic lights or green paint or anything else. Those things can be worked around, but a moonscaped road cannot.
By spin_o_rama
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 5:10pm
Anecdotal but when I've been driving or a passenger in a car going the speed limit over a speed bump, it hasn't been an issue.
Poorly maintained signage and road paint is on the city but isn't a good argument against speed bumps.
On those roads with flexposts, its handled by the smaller plows the city has. Skill issue for ignoring that.
Vehicular cycling works for you, which is a fine anecdote. But it ignores the safety and comfort of less experienced riders, which that infrastructure helps to encourage.
Forrester cultists
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 8:25am
Forrester was racist, sexist, ageist, and elitist. Not everyone can just plant their bike in front of a car and scold the motorist, which is suggested in the Vehicular Cycling book.
You shouldn't be "slowing down for a speed bump" anyway. You should be driving under the speed limit.
These are only issues if the driver is speeding
By HenryAlan 2.0
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 9:14am
The speed humps are designed to be safely driven over at or below the speed limit. Don't speed, and the need to see the hump is pretty much eliminated. As for your comment about bike riding, sure, I agree that it is better for me on a bike to not hit speed humps. But the world of Boston street users is much more than you and me, and overall aggregate safety should be the goal. I can handle the humps on my bike much more easily than a pedestrian can handle being hit by a speeding car.
“The level of evidence is
By Frelmont
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 3:09pm
“The level of evidence is relatively poor, however, as most studies did not have satisfactory comparison groups or adequate control for potential confounders.†*
“ And unfortunately, the situation is further complicated by the presence of cameras actually causing some motorists to drive erratically when approaching, for example, by braking heavily, which itself can cause collisions to occur.†**
If Bayesian analysis can’t answer this question…
This is about political capital, money and control.
The speed bump on Huron at the VFW memorial requires a top speed of 10-15 unless they fixed it and on Blanchard anything over 20 is abuse of vehicle. In the past requests for speed bumps was met by the reply that some routes must not have speed bumps so ambulances can travel without further injuring the sick and injured, or delaying life- saving care.
Now, if we can only get daredevils to stop jogging on the wrong side of the street and popping into the intersection when you’re looking for traffic from the left where it’s supposed to be coming from.
P.s., You’re in the front row now Bob!
It's not that these ramps or
By Rob
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 9:54pm
It's not that these ramps or humps or bumps or whatever you call them are necessarily causing damage (or immediate damage, anyway).
It's that they're intended for these specific qualified & posted streets with the new posted reg & limit (20 MPH) and they're supposed to be constructed to work with driving that limit.
The first ones they installed in my neighborhood pretty much conformed to that - drive the block at 20 MPH (conditions permitting) and it was smooth.
Since then, more and more have been installed (before late fall) that don't conform. You can't drive them at anything more than 15 MPH without a jolt that makes you wonder if you're doing cumulative damage or at least accelerating the wear & tear on your suspension.
I was doing year-end paperwork cleanup on my desk at home. Found the informational postcard the City sent when this project started. It specifically describes them as a maximum height of 3" over the previous grade. That isn't happening reliably.
Do you honestly want people
By cinnamngrl
Sat, 01/18/2025 - 8:00am
Do you honestly want people to go more than 15 miles an hour in front of your house?
My car was totaled after being hit by a car that was hit by another car. One driver pulled out without looking but if the other car had been going 25 or less, it never would have happened.
It sucks
By BostonDog
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 3:49pm
You're looking at your phone and suddenly it gets bounced from your hand! /S
I actually agree that bumps aren't great compared to speed cameras. But you find it an inconvenience to need to slow down, you shouldn't be driving. Conscientious drivers don't have a problem slowing down.
I'm not driving. I'm walking,
By anon
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:25pm
I'm not driving. I'm walking, and I'm concerned about drivers watching the bump instead of looking for me.
Is the bump moving?
By BostonDog
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 6:18pm
My friend, if they aren't watching the road for bumps, they certainly aren't looking for you.
I don't watch for the bumps
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 8:28am
I pay attention to the speed limit and adjust my vehicle speed, instead. It isn't hard.
If we train drivers to understand speed tables at intersections, they will learn to respect intersections as hazard points.
Do you feel the same about potholes distracting motorists?
Oh, this Anon again
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 8:22am
Hazardous for two wheeled vehicles?
Only if you are on a motorcycle doing 50mph and hit one of Somerville's famous 10mph bumps. There is one on a downhill that I take at the posted speed on my bike, no problems.
They only distract drivers when they are speeding. Go the speed limit and you don't have to look for them. I wish I had a dime for every idiot I see doing 40 in a 25 who then slams the brakes down to 15 when they could just roll over it at 25 without the drama.
Flynn's apotheosis
By deedle
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 1:49pm
Admittedly I don't pay much attention to Ed Flynn, but this is the best thing I've ever heard him say.
This hearing request was sponsored by a majority of city councilors. Is it now just up to the clerk to schedule it?
Heartbreaking: The Worst
By biffpm
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 2:00pm
Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point
It's up to ...
By adamg
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 2:20pm
Whoever chairs whichever committee the "order" (that's what they call hearing requests) is assigned to. The clerk is then responsible for posting a notice about the hearing date.
Stopped clock is right twice a day
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 2:09pm
Give him credit, I guess, for getting this one right.
By HenryAlan 2.0
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 2:09pm
It's interesting how Ed Flynn, once he is no longer running for mayor, becomes less car-brained.
To be fair ...
By adamg
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 2:22pm
He has been on about this basic issue for years (he helped push for the reduction of the citywide speed limit from 30 m.p.h. to the current 25).
His jab at social-media wiseguys about road diets, though, shows bicycle advocates shouldn't count on him for help getting more bike lanes or improving the safety of the ones we already have.
Bike lanes and pedestrian safety
By Bostoneer
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:22pm
The thing is though, this shows the extreme limits of how much he cares or understands this issue. Protected bike lanes don't just improve safety for cyclists, they also improve safety for everyone else by narrowing roadways and creating barriers/ distance between drivers and the sidewalk:
Wow, I'm actually with Ed on
By Cam
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 3:15pm
Wow, I'm actually with Ed on something. The only way to slow drivers down is through the built environment. No signage is slowing anyone down.
It’s better to have lower
By Frelmont
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 3:54pm
It’s better to have lower speed limits that the technofascists saying jawohl to automated enforcement.
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