Green heron about to land on a tree at Millennium Park
By adamg - 6/5/24 - 10:31 pm

Mary Ellen watched a green heron coming in for a landing at Millennium Park in West Roxbury the other day.

Once down, it quickly composed itself: Read more.

Lupine at Millennium Park
By adamg - 5/31/24 - 10:50 pm

Mary Ellen couldn't help but notice this lupine at Millennium Park in West Roxbury.

Acrobatics on a picnic bench at Millennium Park
By adamg - 5/25/24 - 9:55 am

Mary Ellen spotted somebody getting in some morning balance-beam work on one of the picnic benches at the top of Millennium Park in West Roxbury yesterday.

Mushrooms on a tree at Millennium Park
By adamg - 5/16/24 - 9:43 pm

Some bloomin' mushrooms on a tree at Millennium Park along the Charles River this afternoon, after the rain had stopped.

Young buck in the scrub at Millennium Park
By adamg - 5/4/24 - 11:14 am

The other morning, Mary Ellen spotted this buck at Millennium Park in West Roxbury. Read more.

Plump warbler
By adamg - 4/27/24 - 10:04 pm

Mary Ellen spotted a bunch of birds at Millennium Park yesterday, including this l'il plumper, otherwise known as a palm warbler.

And there's this common grackle, looking like something you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley, or, well, anywhere else: Read more.

Snake at Millennium Park
By adamg - 4/15/24 - 1:50 pm

A snake found some old concrete and asphalt chunks a good place to do some sunning at the kayak launch in Millennium Park in West Roxbury this afternoon.

Blue grosbeak at Millennium Park
By adamg - 4/14/24 - 2:27 pm

Mary Ellen spotted this blue grosbeak at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today.

Bunny with lots of Easter eggs
By adamg - 3/30/24 - 6:20 pm

Tim West reports kids at the athletic fields at the old West Roxbury High School had 20,000 Easter eggs to choose from at today's annual Parkway In Motion Easter-egg hunt.

Wilson's snipe along the Charles River
By adamg - 3/24/24 - 8:57 pm

Mary Ellen watched a pair of Wilson's snipes along some fast moving water at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today: Read more.

Muskrat chowing down along the Charles at Millennium Park
By adamg - 3/5/24 - 5:04 pm

Mary Ellen videoed a muskrat enjoying a hearty breakfast of the choicest roots at Millennium Park in West Roxbury this morning: Read more.

Harrier at Millennium Park
By adamg - 2/28/24 - 12:39 pm

Mary Ellen spotted this northern harrier at Millennium Park the other day.

Donuts in the ice atop Millennium Park
By adamg - 1/23/24 - 10:40 am

On her usual walk around Millennium Park this morning, Mary Ellen couldn't help but notice the evidence that somebody had driven up onto the soccer fields at the top of the park and done some donuts:

"I don’t know how bad the field was since hopefully it was frozen," she says, then adds there was also evidence of some karmic retribution: "They did slide right into the fence."

Long ditch floods into marshland
By adamg - 1/14/24 - 1:43 pm

Yesterday afternoon, just before the deluge that gave us That Rainbow, the Long Ditch that connects two loops of the Charles at the Dedham/Needham line (dug by the busy-beaver colonial settlers who also gave us the Mother Brook), had overflowed its banks and was flooding the nearby marshes of Cutler Park. As it was designed to do. Read more.

Golden trees at sunrise along the Charles River
By adamg - 1/8/24 - 9:41 am

Mary Ellen went for her usual sunrise walk through a snow-covered Millennium Park in West Roxbury this morning. Read more.

Sun coming through the fog at Millennium Park
By adamg - 12/25/23 - 11:59 am

Mary Ellen started her Christmas with a walk through Millennium Park in West Roxbury.

Aref and crew at Millennium Park treet
By adamg - 12/9/23 - 6:33 pm

Mary Ellen reports she came across some of the folks who have been decorating a living Christmas tree at Millennium Park in West Roxbury for years: Read more.

Bird in puddle at sunrise
By adamg - 11/26/23 - 5:05 pm

Mary Ellen found the Alicia Keys of the bird world the other day: A song sparrow in a puddle as the sun came up over Millennium Park in West Roxbury.

Rainbow over Millennium Park
By adamg - 10/26/23 - 9:36 am

Mary Ellen captured a relatively rare morning rainbow, over Millennium Park in West Roxbury.

Immature Cooper's hawk at Millennium Park
By adamg - 10/21/23 - 1:29 pm

This immature Cooper's hawk at Millennium Park in West Roxbury stayed still long enough for Mary Ellen to compose a portrait shot yesterday.

She reports that, in addition to Younghawk, she also spotted a pair of bald eagles perched atop one of the communications towers along Rivermoor Street, where they get a clear view of the various twists of the Charles there - the first time she's spotted eagles there in awhile: Read more.