By Socializing4Justice - 7/17/12 - 11:40 am

Uncertain how to work towards a secure financial future while living out your values? Join Socializing for Justice for a Skillshare on Socially Responsible Investing on August 6th, 6:00 - 8:30 PM.

SoJust hosts events that draw progressives of all stripes that share common values but may work on different issues. We create social spaces that allow for the possibility of cross-issue connections and run a Skillshare Series, hosted by The NonProfit Center*, which increases our individual capacity for movement building.

6:00-6:30 Socializing - bring your own dinner
6:30-8:30 Training and Q & A

RSVP at - Newcomers always welcomed!

Event fee: $10-$20 cash at the door.

Socially Responsible Investing
How do we manage our finances to best sustain ourselves and support our vision of a more just economy? This is a chance to learn investment basics and discuss financial management with a local progressive activist and finance professional. No prior knowledge expected: we'll start with fundamentals and definitions. Participants should come away with a more intuitive sense of how to use investments, and ideas about how to research and choose between different financial tools without checking your politics at the door.


By gladevents - 5/7/12 - 11:57 am

GLADHour, a happy hour for fans of equal justice for all! Enjoy great food and drinks in a relaxed and fun atmosphere while networking with fellow supporters of LGBTQ equality.