By adamg - 3/22/15 - 6:58 am

Good Morning Gloucester shows a car being pulled out of the harbor after its driver drove off a wharf there last night. Both driver and passenger are OK.

By adamg - 3/12/15 - 5:16 pm

Gloucester Police report arresting a Salem man for allegedly holding up the Ipswich Bank on Rogers Street this morning.

By adamg - 2/1/15 - 12:22 pm

We didn't hear any reports of Coast Guard searches for bodies in the ocean off Gloucester, so we assume these two guys standing on rocks at the water as blizzard waves crashed over them survived.

H/t Jared.

By adamg - 12/15/14 - 7:37 am

UPDATE: They light the menorah Tuesday evening.

And, yes, they know lobster isn't kosher:

That’s why there are no lobsters in any of the pots and no one is eating the menorah so get over yourself Smugly McLeviticus.

Also, the menorah is 20 feet tall:

Temple Ahavat Achim now beats the White Rock South Surrey Jewish Community Centre of Vancouver for the largest single piece of Hanukkah kitch. Their 4’4” freestanding dreidel got nothing on us!

Via Good Morning Gloucester.

By adamg - 12/10/14 - 8:03 pm

Transit Police report a man, believed to be in his 40s, was on the inbound side of the tracks near West Gloucester station when he was hit and killed by an inbound commut

By adamg - 12/7/14 - 11:25 am

Good Morning Gloucester reports Temple Ahavat Achim plans to build a menorah out of lobster traps this year.

By Stop Litter---Y... - 9/20/14 - 7:20 pm

We need to stop litter and keep Massachusetts clean by spreading the word about the Yes on Question 2 campaign.

Gloucester lobster boat heads out to sea
By adamg - 9/9/14 - 8:09 am

Joey Ciaramitaro captured the F/V Kathryn Leigh heading out from Gloucester Harbor for some lobstering at 5:51 a.m. today.

Copyright Joey Ciaramitaro. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 9/8/14 - 8:16 pm

Good Morning Gloucester reports the latest on what could be the remains of a a colonial-era ship uncovered on Coffins Beach.

Gloucester Harbor at dawn
By adamg - 7/15/14 - 8:31 am

Joey Ciaramitaro of Good Morning Gloucester captured the scene this morning in Gloucester Harbor.

Copyright Joey Ciaramitaro. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 3/17/14 - 8:52 am

Up in Gloucester, they know from lobster. Joey at Good Morning Gloucester lands a knockout blow on some foodie site that thinks "the perfect lobster roll" includes anise, lemongrass, ginger and arbol chiles:

Listen here anyone who would describe themselves as a “Foodie”. Do all us normal real folk a favor and spare us your stupid frickin lobster roll recipes that include anything other than a split top roll. Spare us your French baguettes, spare us your frickin lemon zest bullshit, spare us your ginger and your anise and your arbol chlis.

Hellooooo, we wanna taste the lobster. How hard is that to comprehend? If we wanted to eat Mexican we’d order a goddamned Burrito.

Upended car in Gloucester
By adamg - 2/5/14 - 8:18 am

State Police report only minor injuries when this car upended on 128 north in Gloucester this morning.

By adamg - 7/21/13 - 8:56 am

Kids in Gloucester are hauling 50 lobster traps a day with their solar-powered hauler