By adamg - 7/9/07 - 3:41 pm

The Herald breathlessly reports that Howie Carr is abandoning WRKO for the morning drive slot at WTKK, where, as the Herald subtly puts it, he'll be competing against "di

By adamg - 6/12/07 - 8:48 am

Sure, Buddy Cianci wound up back in Providence, but wouldn't he make just the greatest on-air partner for Tom Finneran on WRKO?

By adamg - 5/22/07 - 8:44 am

The Globe quotes Dan Kennedy as saying that, unlike race-baiter Bernard McGuirk, Tom Finneran has "some class and dignity." Carpundit retorts his def

By adamg - 5/18/07 - 2:27 pm

Nothing like jokes about blacks to liven up the deadening Tom

By adamg - 3/7/07 - 1:07 pm

The Herald's Laurel Sweet will get Tom Finneran to insult today's insult-o-matic column by Howie Carr, thus letting her extend the Herald's Finneran/Carr streak to four days

By adamg - 1/23/07 - 1:54 pm

Carr thinks it's too bad the alleged killer will only serve 11 years in jail unless somebody kills him first.

By adamg - 1/7/07 - 6:06 pm

Hub Politics marvels that WRKO allegedly canned John DePetro for calling Grace Ross "a fat lesbian," yet thinks its OK to give new felon Tom Finneran a radio show (hmm, anybody of the Rhode Is

By adamg - 12/16/06 - 12:40 am

On Blue Mass.

By adamg - 11/17/06 - 7:57 pm

Mats Tolander turns on 'RKO today and promptly gets annoyed:

By adamg - 11/16/06 - 10:38 pm

WRKO today got rid of its entire news department.

By adamg - 11/9/06 - 1:45 pm

Will sue WRKO if he doesn't get his job back, but in exchange for his job, willing to undergo sensitivity training and give Grace Ross an hour a week on the air.

By adamg - 11/4/06 - 4:51 pm

Carpundit has had enough of the Herald's endless series on the guy with the stapled stomach

By adamg - 8/23/06 - 8:49 am