Angry man on bicycle in Cambridge
By adamg - 12/21/22 - 5:22 pm

Cambridge Police report they are looking for a bicyclist who responded to a request from a pedestrian in a crosswalk at Cambridge Common by circling around and ramming into her. Read more.

Relighting the Cambridge Common menorah
By adamg - 12/6/18 - 10:26 pm

Ron Newman attended a ceremony on Cambridge Common tonight where residents and officials honored the people who put a large menorah back up Sunday afternoon after some guy on a bike went to the effort to knock it down. Read more.

By adamg - 12/2/18 - 8:20 pm
A human wall on Cambridge Common
By adamg - 1/20/18 - 8:09 pm

Connie Chow was among the several thousand people who took to Cambridge Common today to continue the resistance.

Jessica Chapel was there as well: Read more.

Tax Day protest in Cambridge
By adamg - 4/15/17 - 1:45 pm

Our own Cybah attended one of the Tax Day protests, on Cambridge Common.

By adamg - 12/23/12 - 9:23 pm

Fairmount Hill lights

Darryl Houston captured the daylight-powerful lights on Fairmount Hill in Hyde Park - put up by a guy who rents an aerial lift to ensure no surface is unilluminated.

Uma Mirani photographed Cambridge Common:

By adamg - 3/18/09 - 12:13 pm

Alright, probably more like LED-illuminated hula hoops of fun, but that just doesn't sound as good. In any case, the Hula Hoop Light Show on the Common is Friday, March 20 at sunset (6:57 p.m.). Wear black clothing and sturdy boots.

Via Views of the Northeast.

By adamg - 9/11/08 - 12:06 pm

Cambridge Police report on two punching incidents yesterday:

Around noon: