Greg Cook watched as firefighters tried to douse a two-alarm brush fire behind the Everett Michael's this afternoon.
E spotted the smoke from Admiral's Hill in Chelsea: Read more.
The T reports a train out of Newburyport is at least an hour late getting to North Station because it's developed one of those embarrassing mechanical issues somewhere near Swampscott. A train out of Rockport, meanwhile, is 15 to 25 minutes late because of signal problems between Beverly and North Station, the T reports.
The MBTA reports delays of up to 45 minutes on the Newburyport Line due to signal problems between Ipswich and Rowley and that things will remain like that through at least 4 p.m.
UPDATE: At 9:42 p.m., Erin Larsen, who got on at Montserrat around 7:07 reported: "It’s been 2 hours and 20 min and we still haven’t arrived at North Station. Plus TWO trains (inbound) have passed us."
Shortly before 9 a.m., Keolis updated us on the fate of Train 156, which left Newburyport at 7 a.m. Read more.
Wonderfitzig was among the people who had to hop off inbound train 156 on the Newburyport/Rockport Line train and get on another after the engine sighed its last and went to the great roundhouse in the sky this morning near River Works - after their train just sat there for 90 minutes or so. Read more.
Claire Blechman reports the infamous Beverly drawbridge is stuck again, forcing Newburyport/Rockport Line passengers to abandon ship only to discover that Uber rates have gone into crisis mode.
Transit Police report a 21-year-old man died around 9 p.m. yesterday when he disregarded the downed gates and flashing lights at the Everett Street crossing and tried to walk across the tracks, only to get hit by an outbound Rockport Line train.
Harry Pierre reports the line for the next Newburyport/Rockport train, which stops in Salem, is a bit more crowded than usual this afternoon.
WCVB reports officials are investigating how a car on the Newburyport/Rockport Line train separated from the rest of the train yesterday.
Claire Blechman was among those having to transfer from a bus to a train in Salem, due to work on the Newburyport/Rockport Line that will keep it shut through Aug. 13.
A crescendo of complaints by commuter-rail riders about cancellations, delays and overcrowded trains reached a new peak this morning as commuters into both North and South stations vented their frustration online.
They joined Lily Goldman, a Rockport Line rider who's been complaining for months now about ghost and late trains on her route: Read more.
Here are some of the current MBTA alerts for the Newburyport/Rockport Line: Read more.
Once again, the riders of the Newburyport/Rockport Line this morning had to contend with phantom trains that exist only in a work of fiction known as "a timetable."
Some riders on the Newburyport/Rockport Line are beginning to wonder what they did to the T to deserve the pain they get every morning.
Today's delays on the Newburyport/Rockport and Haverhill lines are brought to you with a Viagra-fueled drawbridge that just won't go down.
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