Ameadowlark clues us in:
... If you see a dude wearing girl jeans anywhere near Boston, ask him if he's from Allston. Nine times out of ten, he'll do a double take and say "yeah, how'd you know?" The other time out of ten, he'll say "Brighton."
Via Allston City Limits.
Alicia reports:
Yikes. I've seen 2 men willingly walking around Boston in Nantucket Red pants today. ... Thankfully neither pair of pants had little lobsters, hunting dogs or anchors embroidered all over them.
Be reports on a new fashion trend in her neighborhood: Brooklyn T-shirts:
... I don't know, but this sort of strikes me indistinguishable from hanging around Harvard Yard wearing a Barnard* t-shirt.
*or Columbia or Yale, etc. ...
Lori Magno reports that, as a kind, caring Bostonian, she would have tucked in this woman's tag yesterday - if only the woman weren't smoking, creating a wall of stink that overrode Magno's Samaritan instincts.
AR provides the timeline (but misses the contributions of Rozzie's own Joseph Abboud).
Krissy reports somebody at South Station yesterday was selling T-shirts reading:
The news that the long arm of the law grabbed some ass the other night on Commercial Street (scroll down a bit when you click) has Amy Derjue
Yeah, sure, hubby and all, but the Missus is referring to the bag she was spotted wearing after last night's game.
1. I don't have to worry about ever seeing any of my neighbors in the $550 rubber pants the Olsen twins are selling at Louis, Boston (which I learned about from a photo that accompanied the dead-tree version of Hayley Kaufman's 100% gua
The Missus scolds the slob of a man who races past her carrying a fancy purse (and snaps his photo so everybody can join in on the tsk-tsking):
Bostonia Rantida rants about local fashion crimes, including girly patchwork shorts for guys, Madras shorts, Crocs, long shirts and, naturally, leggings:
Some Assembly Required doesn't care how hot it gets: Middle-aged men should just never wear tank tops:
We go now to fashion reporter Alyssa Boehm, who reminds us that while it is, indeed, legal to wear white during the summer, one should never wear blue polka-dot underwear with white pants
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