By adamg - 11/7/22 - 1:40 pm

Blue Mass. Group founder Charley on the MTA announced today he's turning off the site on Dec. 6 - spending $525 a year on an LLC for what's largely become a moribund site has become prohibitive.

By adamg - 10/4/09 - 10:44 am

Vennochi goes after "Ernie Boch III," the not-the-car-dealer trying to organize a boycott of Howie Carr's advertisers:

The blogosphere opened up the public conversation to new, thoughtful voices, but it should not provide a shield to hide biases and private agendas.

Oh, excuse me, Miss High and Mighty.

By adamg - 10/3/09 - 10:37 am

The Herald reports that Ernie Boch, one of its advertisers and an Inside Track crush (Gals just love him to pieces), is offering no money down $2,000 for the identity of Ernie Boch III, so that Howie Carr can taunt him mercilessly "terrorize" him.

By adamg - 10/2/09 - 4:47 pm

Bob Nelson reports on the Boston Radio List that he was listening to Carr on WRKO this afternoon and the car dealer came on down and said:

  • He is not the Ernie Boch III, who's calling for a boycott of Carr's advertisers on Blue Mass. Group (and on tried on Red Mass. Group, where the reaction was a bit less friendly).
  • Flack Extraordinaire George Regan suggested he hire a private investigator to find out who III really is
  • Boch thinks it's somebody at the State House
By adamg - 10/2/09 - 7:51 am

For trying to help him get out of his contract with WRKO. He hugs them and musses their hair and gives them a friendly "yer momma."

By adamg - 8/10/08 - 12:56 pm

The Herald digs deep and uncovers Blue Mass.

By adamg - 9/15/06 - 9:39 pm

Hub Politics uses a quote from an eight-year-old Watertown Tab article to slam Chris Gabrieli. Blue Mass.