By Socializing4Justice - 3/9/09 - 4:04 pm

Need a break from the stress of (looking for) work, the economy, and everyday life? Looking for something to do that is fun, cheap, and progressive?

We're heading to the Garment District for Thrifting for Justice on Thursday, March 12 at 6pm!

By whatsgoingon - 3/1/07 - 5:08 pm

We’re throwing a party at the Hyatt Regency Boston. The people there will be in their late twenties, through their thirties.

By Rogerson Communities - 11/10/05 - 1:52 pm

Generation Next for Rogerson Communities will put the “hip” in this holiday season with Next Stop: Hip Holiday, a hip hop-themed holiday gift drive to benefit elders from 5:30 to 9 p.m.