By JeremyBThompson - 2/7/08 - 7:40 pm

Precinct maps of Boston primary results here.

By adamg - 1/22/07 - 4:39 pm

You wouldn't know the election was more than two months ago, based on the Google text ads that keep popping up on sites that mention Kerry Healey or Mitt Romney. Take, for example, the 2008 page on Patrick Ruffini's site, which had this at the top a few minutes ago:

Earth to Kerry: Come in, Kerry!
By adamg - 1/3/07 - 5:01 pm

That's what the Globe's Political Intelligence will be doing over the next couple of days.

By adamg - 12/31/06 - 3:54 pm

Nothing against Deval Patrick - I voted for the guy, after all - but the Globe's Bostonian of the Year doesn't actually live in Boston.

By adamg - 12/10/06 - 10:16 am

On Blue Mass.

By adamg - 12/7/06 - 10:18 am

Hub Politics interviews Peter Torkildsen, who wants to take over the chairmanship of the Massachusetts Republican Party.

By adamg - 11/25/06 - 10:13 am

David Kravitz of Blue Mass. Group is co-chair of Deval Patrick's civic-engagagement:

By adamg - 11/18/06 - 8:51 pm

Regular visitors to Hub Politics might be forgiven for thinking that exactly 30 seconds after he takes his oath of office, Deval Patrick will jump into his limo and drive out to Shirley to

By adamg - 11/17/06 - 7:38 pm

The Deval Patrick Transition (hmm, sounds like a 1980s rock group, no?).

By adamg - 11/16/06 - 8:39 am

Peter Morin knows something about how to get elected as a Republican in Massachusetts - he served as a state representative from the Cape between 1985 and 1991.

By adamg - 11/11/06 - 3:51 pm

Bruce is not surprised that Boston elections officials blew it in yet another election, this time by failing to provide enough ballots at a number of polling places:

By Ivana Moore-Enmoore - 11/9/06 - 1:57 pm

Photographic evidence now proves that three Billionaires for Bush took off their bling in order to infiltrate two 'Victory' parties on Election Night (well, one "Victory" party and one Victory Party!).

By adamg - 11/9/06 - 12:22 pm

Mike Mennonno notes that now that the national press has discovered Our Deval, suddenly his race is mentioned all the time:

By adamg - 11/9/06 - 12:12 pm

OK, so Secretary of State Bill Galvin vows to take over the Boston elections department because of that ballot-shortage issue the other night. Andy at Mass. Revolution Now wonders where the Dark Prince was before the election - when Boston was already under federal investigation on various election issues:

... Bill Galvin has been in charge of voting supervision in this state for something like 12 years and only now is he going to get serious about looking out for voters?

So what does anyone think we can expect from Billy? Well his latest idea has been bringing in the electronic disaster machines manufactured by Diebold. I feel so safe having Billy on the job now. ...

Actually, this isn't the first time Galvin has yelled at Boston elections officials, and Tuesday's ballot shortage might just be the proverbial straw.

The Globe's Political Intelligence reports that Galvin "issued a scathing report" on the city's election performance back in 2003. And you'll recall the whole Dianne Wilkerson/Sonia Chang-Diaz mess, in which the city elections department failed to even count any votes in several precincts this past September.

By adamg - 11/9/06 - 8:51 am

Oh, sure, there are those Gloomy Gusses who are barricading their doors against the imminent onslaught of rapists and wh

By adamg - 11/8/06 - 3:29 pm

In an exclusive interview, Mihos could only say: Woof!

By adamg - 11/8/06 - 1:54 pm

How you're feeling right now depends, of course, on which way you voted yesterday. A round-up of local bloggers on the national results (and Rummy, too!):

By adamg - 11/8/06 - 10:00 am

Ian tended a bar at the party:

By adamg - 11/8/06 - 8:57 am

Mass Marrier analyzes the defeat of the three statewide ballot questions; he says 2 and 3 were just too confusing for most people. As for 1:

By adamg - 11/8/06 - 8:55 am

Transcript of Patrick's victory speech.

Matt: Deval. Thanks for being my new Governor.

Sharon Gartenberg: Deval Patrick's Resounding Victory: A Vote for Community:

Voters in Massachusetts have given our overwhelming support to a governor-elect who stresses sense of community and the need to care about each other's dreams and aspirations as well as our own. It's a message we've clearly been hungering for after the bitter, negative, partisan politics that Karl Rove and the Bush administration have brought to the national arena these past six years. ...

Now the hard work begins, Adam Reilly writes: