By adamg - 9/13/24 - 2:44 pm

Boston Police report arresting two 15-year-olds they say used loaded guns in "an argument over a scooter" that included pointing the weapons at a third teen and then having him driven a mile away to be dumped out, without the scooter, yesterday afternoon. Read more.

By adamg - 2/2/20 - 11:12 pm

Live Boston reports somebody was shot at 126 Armandine St., near Milton Avenue, around 9:20 p.m.

Armandine Street fire
By adamg - 7/1/18 - 1:04 pm

The Boston Fire Department reports firefighters responded at 2:55 a.m. to 126 Armandine St. for what became a two-alarm fire. Read more.

By adamg - 1/20/17 - 12:46 pm

A gun police say they found in a man's car on a Dorchester street can be used as evidence against him in an upcoming trial, the Supreme Judicial Court ruled today. Read more.