By adamg - 3/3/20 - 11:34 am

A chandelier at Icon, 100 Warrenton St., fell from the ceiling shortly before closing on Dec. 14, injuring at least two women, both of whom got themselves to local hospitals to get checked out. Read more.

By adamg - 3/2/19 - 6:46 pm

Boston Police report that two men who had been kicked out of Icon, 100 Warrenton St., early this morning were arrested after witnesses spotted them getting a gun out of a nearby parked car. Read more.

By adamg - 7/13/17 - 10:04 pm

The Boston Licensing Board today approved a deal with the owner of Icon and Venu on Warrenton Street to shut Icon for nearly a month and Venu for two weeks, partly as punishment for a string of incidents with pre-21 drinkers over the past year, partly to retrain and recertify their staff in how to recognize and bar underage would-be drinkers and how to better disperse crowds at closing time. Read more.

By adamg - 6/21/17 - 7:58 pm

The state Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission yesterday upheld a five-day suspension levied against Icon on Warrenton Street for serving four underage Tufts freshmen on an April, 2016 night that ended with one of them falling to his death from the Tufts Medical Center garage. Read more.

By adamg - 1/14/17 - 6:52 pm

Boston Police report arresting a New Hampshire man on gun charges early this morning at Icon on Warrenton Street. Read more.

By adamg - 6/29/16 - 1:06 pm

A night out on the town for four Tufts freshmen in April ended with one dead on the ground next to a Theater District garage. Now the club that let them reserve a table and share bottles of champagne and vodka has been hit with suspensions lasting more than a year for that and two other incidents involving underage drinkers. Read more.