By adamg - 4/28/19 - 2:58 pm

With a deed recorded Friday afternoon, a Quincy builder and contractor took ownership of what's left of a three decker at 97 Mt. Ida Rd., after years of legal efforts by its previous owner to get ISD to stop bothering him about the boarded-up eyesore. Read more.

By adamg - 4/11/19 - 10:38 am

The Supreme Judicial Court today upheld a judge's appointment of a receiver to do something about the fire-ravaged, rat-infested three decker at 97 Mt. Ida Rd. that its owner, James Dickey of Sudbury, has refused to clean up since it burned in a fire in 2011. Read more.

By adamg - 1/15/19 - 8:39 am

A Boston housing-court judge last week gave a receiver permission to try to sell a burned-out rattrap at 97 Mt. Ida Rd., after years of effort by the city to get current litigious owner James Dickey to clean up the property.

The boarded up property went on sale yesterday for $500,000, as is: Read more.

By adamg - 10/22/18 - 12:53 pm

Yet another federal judge has told the owner of the remains of a three decker at 97 Mt. Ida Rd. to leave the federal courts out of his dispute over the state sanitary code, under which the city has been trying to have the building fixed or razed since it was heavily damaged in a 2011 fire. Read more.

Dumpster full of contents from 97 Mt. Ida Rd.
By adamg - 10/5/18 - 11:19 am

A court-appointed receiver reports cleanup work has begun in and around 97 Mt. Ida Rd., whose owner continues to battle the city in court over the work to restore the rat-infested building, heavily damaged by a fire in 2011. Read more.

By adamg - 9/29/18 - 3:14 pm

James Dickey of Sudbury, who has spent the past few years filing lawsuits against city officials who demand he do something about his fire-ravaged, rat-infested property at 97 Mt. Ida Rd. in Dorchester, this week lost his legal battle - for now - against the NFL and the NFL Players Association over the union's refusal to let him try to be a player's agent any longer. Read more.

By adamg - 7/13/18 - 1:13 pm

A court-appointed receiver for 97 Mt. Ida Rd. told a housing-court judge today that owner James Dickey has agreed to begin cleaning up the hundreds of cat-food cans, fallen tree limbs and other debris around the property over the next month.

But as with everything else dealing with the property - hit by a fire in 2011 - any cleanup hinges on the outcome of Dickey's latest court attempt to get ISD to stop pestering him about the property. Read more.

By adamg - 6/18/18 - 2:41 pm

A court-appointed receiver gave a housing-court judge photos of hundreds of open cat-food cans piled up inside and outside of 97 Mt. Ida Rd. - which he said today explains why rats keep flocking to the derelict property, because they love the stuff as much as cats. Read more.

By adamg - 6/9/18 - 4:19 pm

James Dickey, owner of the fire-ravaged remnant of a house at 97 Mt. Ida Rd. in Dorchester, this week filed yet another federal lawsuit against the city of Boston and state Housing Court judges and receivers, alleging they're engaged in a nefarious deal to steal homes in "the African-American section of the City of Boston."

How is the suit different from the other ones he's filed, which have earned him a rare rebuke from a federal judge to knock it off? Read more.

By adamg - 6/5/18 - 4:51 pm

A state Housing Court judge last week appointed a receiver with the power to clean up a house at 97 Mt. Ida Rd. that has only fallen further into disrepair after it was heavily damaged in a 2011 fire as its Sudbury owner keeps fighting in court to try to get Boston's ISD to leave him alone.

Separately, the National Football League Players Association is using owner James Dickey's long-standing battles with the city over the house ... Read more.

By adamg - 3/27/18 - 7:37 pm

For the third time, a federal judge has rejected an effort by the owner of the fire-ravaged building at 97 Mt. Ida Rd. to move his case from state Housing Court to federal court - this time with a warning for the man to knock it off. Read more.

By adamg - 1/27/18 - 4:50 pm

On Monday, James Dickey of Sudbury got some bad news from the US Supreme Court: It would not hear his allegations that city efforts to board up or even raze his derelict shell of a fire-ravaged three decker at 97 Mt. Ida Rd. in Dorchester violated his civil rights.

Read more.

Remains of Mt. Ida house
By adamg - 1/26/18 - 2:47 pm

A housing-court judge had been scheduled today to decide whether to appoint a receiver with the power to raze a Mt. Ida Road three decker ravaged in a 2011 fire, but owner James Dickey may have once again managed to stave off any action for a few months by trying to transfer the case to federal court. Read more.

97 Mt. Ida Rd.
By adamg - 5/5/17 - 4:08 pm

James Dickey, who has been feuding with the city of Boston for more than 10 years over his three-decker at 97 Mt. Ida Rd., is now fighting a city attempt to do something about all the rats that nearby residents say have taken up occupancy there. Read more.

By adamg - 10/28/09 - 11:13 am

The Massachusetts Appeals Court today dismissed a suit by a Dorchester landlord against a tenant who testified about the conditions inside his apartment during a city hearing on whether to condemn his building as unfit for human habitation.