By adamg - 12/23/15 - 10:13 am

A city health inspector yesterday ordered Bubor Cha Cha, 41 Beach St., to shut immediately after an inspection found a variety of violations, including pork and fish left out on counters too long, raw food stored above ready-to-eat food, fruit flies and hand sinks being blocked by boxes - and not having any hot water.

Also, hot egg rolls were being stored at temperatures that weren't hot enough.

The restaurant can re-open after a re-inspection shows the problems have been fixed.

By adamg - 1/5/14 - 1:16 pm

A wary citizen complains about snow piled up on a ledge at the top of 40 Beach St. in Chinatown:

A wall of maybe a bankers box sized chunk of snow fell onto The street and almost onto a young woman with a baby carriage. Another almost fell on to me. There is more snow up there and I can see from the look of people that have been more falling snow. But the very least, there should be a barrier around the area where the snow was falling so that you don't walk under it anymore. At best, it should be taken off the ledge.